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París: Cerca de 1000 detenidos en la protesta de los "chalecos amarillos"

En una nueva jornada de protestas y violencia en París, la policía detuvo a casi 1000 personas. Los "chalecos amarillos" reclaman el alto costo de la vida en Francia.

IAN LANGSDON IAN100. Paris (France), 08/12/2018.- A Yellow Vests protester hurl back tear gas to French riot police during a demonstration in Paris, France, 08 December 2018. Police in Paris is preparing for another weekend of protests of the so-called 'gilets jaunes' (yellow vests) protest movement. Recent demonstrations of the movement, which reportedly has no political affiliation, had turned violent and caused authorities to close some landmark sites in Paris this weekend. (Protestas, Francia) EFE/EPA/IAN LANGSDON

Tenés que leerParís: Violenta protesta de "chalecos amarillos" por el costo de vida francés